unfortunately, we were so hungry, the food was not captured in film, only in our tummies.
here is a breakdown of the fabulous menu-- comment if you would like to see the recipes.
homemade salsa
nopales (yeah, that means cactus-- see previous posts)
mango black bean salad
annie's famous burritos
mexican pastries (we didn't make these, but they were authentic mexican-made!)
everything was yummy and served with some guiltless gourmet chips. after trying all 4 kinds of chips (black bean, black corn, yellow corn, and chili lime) we decided a few things:
1) these are a little pricey, given that half the bag is full of air.
2) chili lime-- not as good as it sounds. not enough chili, or lime. kind of like burnt cumin?
3) lexy feels they were a little salty, but given that annie could drink salt for breakfast, she kind of liked that. i should get a salt lick.
although no food pictures were taken, here are some pictures of our attractive faces wearing hats that were won while playing a serious game of loteria, otherwise known as a mexican face-off... or just bingo.
this evening earned 5 scoops of icing, although there were no cupcakes involved. mmmm...cupcakes.
lexy and annie.
Would it be possible to get the recipe for the nopales?
dear fellow chef,
we are so glad to see you are interested in the recipe for nopales! you can find said recipe in an earlier blog post, so please look at our past posts and reference those directions. any further questions, please write again.
Was I informed that you would be posting my picture on the Interweb?
when one enters an "annie lexy event" they have agreed to the terms and conditions of such event. henceforth including all mass media subject matter under jurisdiction and prudence and some other fancy sounding words.
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